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Stacie G.

Are you in the Christmas Spirit?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What's wrong with me?

I'm not sure what is going on in my heart and mind right now and admittedly this is very odd for me; but for some reason I just can't seem to get into the holiday spirit. Is it wrong of me not to want to decorate, stress, shop and yes; unfortunately just keep to myself this Christmas? I really do not understand the reason for this sudden "change" but could it simply be my peri-menopause and my hormone's are screaming "DON'T COOPERATE WITH ANYTHING!" ?
I've thought about, analyzed and re-analyzed reasons for this about-face, but still can't pinpoint any one certain thing. I lost my grandpa this year and am still so frustrated that I wasn't there for him or there to say goodbye. It was so unexpected. But I've always had the mind to practice what I preach.... (which would lead to an entirely different article so I'll just leave it at that). Who knows? Perhaps it's because Christmas has become such a commercialized industry which has led society completely astray from it's true meaning... We shop, we stress over getting the house decorated, the cards mailed out, the gifts wrapped, the food prepared, yadda yadda yadda. You catch my drift.
Maybe I really am just growing older and growing tired. It is very disconcerting for me as I've always been the bubbly, happy "cheerleader", but heck! Not so much anymore....

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Meditation 101 - Getting a Minute to Yourself

We are all psychic. It is our birthright; an innate protective mechanism, an inner radar designed to forewarn us of danger. The natural ability that exists within every human being to read energy and sense the subtle signals has withered away to almost nothing. Still we are capable of knowing and being so much more and our universe is so much larger than geography and astronomy teachers lead us to believe. Being psychic enables us to tap into that larger universe, for a lot of good reasons. I include this information because, whether you are reading for someone else or are being read for, it is essential that you take a moment to clear and then ground yourself before you start, and also when you are finished. Working with your psychic self takes some preparation.
It doesn't matter if you're sitting down to do a formal reading, or if you just need to suss out the energy in a meeting room before you enter. Taking a moment to clear your space, to notice and release what's in your mind and heart, makes it a lot easier to focus and see/hear/feel what is really happening around you. Clearing is about getting rid of the energetic clutter that interferes with our ability to see or to listen clearly. We need to be clear of others thoughts and feelings, and our own, as well as our judgment and opinions, worries and fears. We need to clear the day's business in order to be able to give or get an objective reading.
Clearing enables our objective Third Eye to kick into gear and give us the bigger picture and help us tune into the suble energies at work in a given situation. Without clearing, a psychic is apt to get lost in the forest and lose sight of the trees. In other words, energies are overlaid, confused and it becomes difficult to get an accurate fix on where you or the person you are reading for is going.
Grounding and clearing go hand-in-hand. Grounding is about being real; aware of the practical considertations, as well as the benefits and consequences of our own as well as others actions. Grounding is about recognizing what is possible given the current circumstances and it is also about being able to laugh at ourselves; to see the value and purpose in our mistakes. To me, grounding is about real spiritual growth. That willingness to be compassionate and understanding in even the most difficult of circumstances. Being grounded makes it possible for a psychic to give a reading and a person to obtain a reading.
It also makes our human, 3-dimensional lives easier. There are many ways of clearing and grounding. In addition to meditation, and other forms of energy and breath work, I urge folks to take a walk at the park, wash the dishes, take out their garbage with "intent" - intent to clear and ground. One thing which is continuously brought to my attention is that most metaphysical people are taught and continually asked to project energy, light and love to all those around them. An interesting phenomenon occurs when we project anything to anybody outside of our own personal space; no matter how innocent or well meaning our original intent is, all of us live with many different dualilties in our 3-dimensional world. Sending love, for example, to someone else is complicated because we might not know exactly what that person is here to learn. We don't know what their lessons really are. Our lesson may be humility and their lesson may be guilt. Others may need to learn things differently than we do. Whatever the case, we're doing well just to understasnd these things about ourselves. All most of us know for sure is that we're working on certain lessons, we're operating with our own personal perpective of love and we've created individual situtations that we're doing our best to understand. As we project our version of anything, (love for example), to someone else, we're immediately drawn into an energetic exchange with them, triggered by any dualities or distortions either of us may have of that particular feeling, idea, or emotion. As a result, many of us begin to feel psychically beat up, or pushed around and we often have no idea why. I would like you to consider the idea of not projecting at all. Rather than sending out energy, BECOME the essence of the energy itself - in other words - be love.
Clearing yourself within 30 or 45 seconds: What if I told you there was a place where you were alone 4, 5 or more times a day and where you have an opportunity to simply be? Impossible? No, not really. This place is, of course, the bathroom! In that moment of privacy, whether you are sitting or standing, do the following: using your intent and focus, bring your hands up over your head and as you relieve yourself, simply think "clear". As you think "clear", bring your hands down the midline of your body. Next, bring yourself into your own space. Physcially doing an act is always much more powerful in our 3-dimensional world. This brings us to our next technique.
Being in your space and staying in the moment: You begin simply by pulling yourself in using your conscious intent and focus. A very easy way to do this is to begin by extending your arms out from you body, as if getting ready for a wide embrace. Next, focus on the thought you are now going to pull yourself into. Send, feel, or see your energetic fields coming in closer and closer to your body, as you slowly bring your outstretched arms in, enveloping and holding your own incoming energy. Finish by resting your hands over your solar plexus. Now take another 5 or 10 seconds to just be in your space, be in the moment and love yourself. Proceed until you have a sense of being energetically and completely in your own physical space, while continuing to ask to "be all here". That's all there is to it. Repeat this each time you go to the bathroom and you will have consciously cleared yourself and all your fields five or more times each day!

Friday, September 25, 2009

In Memory of Michael Jackson

As I sit this morning, drinking my coffee and watching MSN videos from CNBC on Michael Jackson's death, a chord is struck down deep inside my soul and this I wish to write about today. Since hearing of his death, I think of Michael everyday and am saddened; not of his death, but of the way those that loved him so much, whom he gave so much of himself to, turned away from him during a time in which he desperately needed the love and support of his fans, friends and family. I, too, feel guilty for falling prey to the tabloids and for, even a brief moment, thinking the heresay of Michael's molestation charges true. Shame. That is what I feel. Pure shame.

As I've contemplated Michael Jackson over the last several weeks, I've drawn the following conclusion. Michael Jackson was a being of pure light. He was the embodiment of innocence, love, life, giving and peace. He knew no other way to be. There was not a single chord of grey in this man's soul. Not a single one. His trials were grand. The trials in life, of his choosing before he came here to the earth realm, were huge. A responsibility that very few of us souls would willingly take on... but he did. And he did it to teach the world love, patience, kindness, charity; the epitome of a spirit of light.

Michael touches millions of people very deeply as he gave so much of himself to the world. Whether it be through his music or his very gracious charities. I remember as a child and through my teenage years, being enamored by Michael Jackson's music. There were many of his songs that resonated with something I was going through at those specific periods of my life. I believe that's how he touched so many people. And what a thrill to watch the man dance. Nobody at that time, or since, has danced like MJ. I still get excited while watching the many videos in which Michael performs. Wow. Nobody like Michael. Nobody.

And yet, as he gave everything he had to his fans, friends and family, Michael suffered very deeply. Michael lead the majority of his life in agonizing emotional pain. Pain from his childhood. The pain caused by his father. Michael reveals this pain, in recently released tapes recorded in early 2000-2001 by his good friend, a Rabbi. Tapes that he wished to be revealed after his death. He speaks of the ruthlessness of his father, the beatings, the threats if the Jackson kids did not perform to perfection, the constant pressure to be perfection; and for what reason? Capitalization. Joe Brown then, and to this day, has capitalized on his childrens fame. Money. That is what Joe chose to make his trial before coming here. The world's evil.

But Michael never let that slow him down. His spirit still radiated his innocence, his unique light and he continued, to the day of his death, to give. To give to humanity. And in his death, he continues to give. He continues to deliver a message to the world about traversity in life and how it can be overcome. How one can go through so much pain, yet still remain a beacon of light.

In the last decade of Michael's life, his eccentricites became obvious. And that's when people started to turn away from Michael, not realizing that deep emotional pain, and the fact that everybody, even those close to him, wanted something of him. He couldn't just be himself anymore. But it never stopped him from giving... He lead the last decade of his life in total seclusion. Raising three very beautiful and well-behaved children. He was a good father. That is evident in the recent videos of Michael's children and the many interviews conducted with those that were close to Michael and knew he and his kids.

Michael reveled in the innocence of children because they are what Michael related to best. His spirit of light, love, peace and innocence. I am convinced that the molestation charges filed against Michael Jackson were simple hoopla. Hoopla created by the taloids and a valiant effort of one negative light, in this case being the mother that filed charges, to benefit monetarily. It was a scheme derived by this mother and she succeeded. It happens to people all of the world, everyday.

Michael Jackson surrounded himself with children because he related to them. He wanted to protect and nurture them. Not harm them. He gave so much of his life to the benefit of children because it broke his heart to think that children were suffering regardless of the type of suffering, as he did when he was a child. He gave and he gave and he gave. And for that, a dark shadow of suspicion was cast over Michael during the last decade of his life. Another trial added to so many already carried by this being of pure light. His eccentricities were a direct result of his utter lonliness. It is heartbreaking to think this, but it is the truth. I don't believe it was ultimately the drugs that killed Michael Jackson. I believe, ultimately, it was heartbreak and pain that took Michael from our lives. Agonizing pain that he could not escape. Gone too soon.

God Bless you Michael. We know that you are still working hard on the other side to benefit this world, that so deeply and desparately needs lights like yours. I am gracious for you. Thank you for all you have given us. It brings me happiness and joy that you are now at peace my friend. Well deserved peace. Well deserved.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Being Psychic

One thing that being a medium has taught me is that with the gift comes a great deal of responsibility! A responsibility to yourself, a responsibility to the people you are giving information to and a responsibility to the soul or souls that are giving you the information (or that you're being given the information about). The fear of these responsiblities is what makes most people shirk off their own abilities. Most people don't want to know. Most people just want to rely on their logical minds to explain everything in life. Society shapes us to this as well. A pill is much easier to take than relying on our own spirituality to get us through life's trials and tribulations! Shutting the door on your psychic abilities because you're afraid of the responsibilities associated with these gifts is understandable, but I strongly encourage people to keep the door open and learn how to discern and work with the information that you're given. Believe it or not, accepting your gifts will bring more compassion, love, light, peace and understanding into your life. It's just a matter of releasing the fear and the ego and letting yourself experience and learn.
Here's a quick statistic for you according to psychologists and psychiatrists the world over. Much of psychology is based upon the fear of death! Mental illness, dysfunction, disorder... various inconsistencies of the human mental state is based upon the fear of death. Fear of the unknown. In accepting our spirituality and those gifts given us to go along with our spirituality, the symptoms of fear are alleviated and in most cases eradicated! Imagine that! Life without fear!
Another thing that harbors us from reaching our full potential as more "spiritual" beings is the inability to discern between a real, true vision, a fear, or an illusion that the ego may be creating (otherwise known as imagination). This is itself is terrifying to even think about! How do I know that I just didn't pull that information right out of the sky? Did I make it up? Am I just trying to impress someone? As you start to question and rationalize the information that you received, emotion attaches itself! Your adrenaline starts pumping. Sweat breaks out onto your forehead. Anxiety overwhelms you and things get completely blown out of proportion. The trick here is to NOT dismiss it! Do not over-analyze it! Introduce logic to the situation after the fact. Become an outside observer and think through the experience! Keep a journal! Meditate! Talk about it! BREATHE! It's ok! You're not wacked out! As you experience more and grow with your abilities, the capability to discern the type of information that you are receiving becomes easier! Like I said, the key is not dismissing it! I'm going to give you a "picture" or conceptual model of the "psyche" where our psychic abilities are housed. For some people, it is easier to reason the concept of psychic abilities through a physiological model. The human body contains 5 receptors that absorb and process information that we receive outside of our physiology. They are the Hypothalamus, the Pituitary, the Pineal, the Heart and cellular DNA. It's akin to a computer processor. The Hypothalamus is the inbox. It receives the information that comes to us through our soul and our guides who reside outside of the physical reality in which we work and live everyday. Some of us may hear voices of spirits or our guides, which is clairaudience. Some of us may feel (known as clairkinetic), some of us may just know, without first seeing, hearing or feeling; otherwise known as claircognizance or clairsentience. Our pituitary gland then translates this information from the hypothalamus and sends it off to the pineal gland where the information is translated into pictures and also the heart which is where the information is felt. Some people may use only one of these glands when they are being psychic; some may use all. It just depends on what stage you are at in developing your abilities. Some of us, myself included, receive information through their cellular DNA where the information is just "known" and then interpreted into pictures, words and feelings through the other glands. Here's an example taken from a personal experience I had quite a few years back with a boss of mine. Her dad had a message and wasn't going to leave me alone until I divulged his message to her. I initially had an impression of the color white. Then in rapid succession I got the impressions of tall, masculine, darker brown hair with some balding, then a white dress undershirt, dark blue jeans and brown deck shoes. Next, I had an impression of a "movie-star" handsome face, no facial hair and a gigantic broad pearly white smile as well as hearing, repeatedly, "I'm so-and-so's dad!" All of this information became concrete in the moment I accepted that I was going to have to listen to what he was trying to convey! And as I relayed this information, against all sense of doubt I had about sharing this with my boss, the pictures, emotions, senses and the messages he wanted to convey came with more clarity and more detail than I could have imagined and the more fulfilling the "reading" was for my boss. She was blown away, and I was exhausted (not to mention afraid that I was going to lose my job)! The next day, I was receiving requests for readings from other members of her family and many people throughout the office. Apparantely she had shared her experience with quite a few people in a short period of time.
The word messages received from guides occur in much the same way: there is an impression of a guide communicating, an impression of a message, and then the message gains form as words when I open my mouth and allow them to flow forth. Many times the impressions take the form of emotions; I've often sensed tremendous love, pride, deep sadness, anger or some other strong emotion. Most of the time the sensations of these emotions simultaneously flow through to my client and they then experience them in their own body.
The important thing to remember is that it takes TRUST to experience the sensations, allow the subconscious to interpret them, and then articulate them. Don't try to analyze them with your conscious mind. Just go with the flow and see what you're getting as you're getting it. Don't stop to make sense of anything! As I articulate, I 'see' images in my mind's eye, 'hear' messages in my mind, and 'feel' emotions in my body. Pay close attention to the order here: the information comes first as a 'knowing' or an impression, and then the more 3D type of information (seeing, hearing, and feeling) follows that. The information is usually deep, rich and detailed. The more often that you do this, the easier it becomes and you'll find that the information does make sense, to either the person you are reading or through research when there is nobody to validate the information, which often happens during investigation of puportedly haunted locations. 99% of the time, when I am receiving psychic information, it is coming at me like a freight-train. It's like a movie running through my head at mach 50 and my mouth is moving just as quickly as I speak aloud the information that is going through my head. There have been times when I have completed receiving a message or information that I stop and have to ask anybody that witnessed the session "so... what came through?" as I take a deep breath and relax my mind and body! I am just the medium. I'm just a tool. The messages are not, in 99.9% of cases, meant for me. That's where we have to release our ego's.
Now, there are a number of factors that get in our way and block our psychic abilities. Being mindful of these things can help us overcome these blocks. We may be out of touch with our physical bodies. It's a fantastic practice, whether we want to be psychic or not, to pay attention to our physical bodies. The best practice for this is through meditating and doing simple breathing and muscle-relaxation exercises. We may have emotional blockages that block our chakra's or energy centers. Meditation that specifically targets these centers can alleviate and/or eliminate blockages in these centers. Better than that, Reiki, as with our Reiki specialist, Cat Shaubach, (who is FANTASTIC at what she does) can not only clear the body of negative energy but can activate a number of our psychic receptors and stimulate our energy centers! Physical damage to these glands can also inhibit them, in which we would need to seek treatment in order to make ourselves healthy.
But the number one blockage is fear that the information being received is incorrect or simply imagined! Fear and expectations inhibit the process of learning and growing spiritually.
Because of all the media portrayals of psychics and the vivid visual descriptions from clairvoyants, we fall into the trap of 'expecting' that we must perceive in that way (visually) or we're not 'psychic.'
The key to releasing expectations, in my experience, is surrender: Surrender means to give up expectations, give way to the process, and give in to the reality of your own personal experience. Be willing to accept that YOUR way of perceiving psychic information is valid and of service; by allowing your perceptions to flow freely, trusting your 'imaginative' powers, and practicing articulating your perceptions, you develop confidence in your abilities, no matter what form they take!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Do You Believe?

Hi. My name is Stacie Gammel, and for 14 years I have been investigating the paranormal. It started as a passion when I was a child and my passion to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that death is not the end continues to grow year after year. I am the co-founder of ParaFPI - Frontrange Paranormal Investigations located in Denver, CO and we are a member of the TAPS Family. For those not familiar with TAPS, The Atlantic Paranormal Society is the team of investigators showcased in the Sci-Fi Channels hit series Ghosthunters and Ghosthunter's International.

I started this blog to entice readers to learn more about the paranormal and to share my experiences as an investigator in the field of the paranormal. I also wanted to share tips and idea's on how to capture evidence of spiritual anomalies so readers could try their hand at ghosthunting.

I am also a sensitive (clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient), and wanted to share blogs with you about being sensitive and how it is used in the field of paranormal study. Also, I wanted to share insights with readers about life and how subtle changes in one's attitudes can make a tremendous difference in the quality of life, no matter what your health, position, wealth, etc...

So check back often and read the latest blogs! Thanks for reading!

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